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COVID-19 Updates

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Wednesday 12th August 2020


With the news that we are back in level two, we have a few procedures to put back in place. We know our clients were absolute rockstars at this last time, time to do it again! 



What will pickup/delivery service look like in level 2? 


Well, it means although we can't wait to see you- we don't want to 'see' you. It is important that you stay safe and distances from us. Feel free to wave at us from behind the window, but please don't pop out to say hello when we arrive to pick up your dogs! 


If you are usually home during pickup/drop off

Please ensure that your pooch is ready to go when the van arrives. They can either be waiting in the yard, in a crate at the front door, or tied by the front door. We are giving you the option to ask your driver to text you 5-10 minutes before they arrive, so you know when your pooch needs to be out front.

Drop off will look much the same- we will drop your dog into your yard/crate/tie out and knock on the door to let you know that they’re home!


Council/Oto Pickups

Please remain in your car and wave out to our driver. The driver will come and collect your pooch on one of our leashes and take them to the van.


If you aren’t usually home during pickup/drop off

Not much will change in terms of your pickups! However, we will be letting you know who is collecting your pooch for your own records, so you know who has been on the property.


If you, or someone in your bubble has been feeling sick…

Please let us know! Even just a quick text to your driver, to let them know not to pick up fluffy. Our usual cancellation policy will not apply in this situation- we just need to know as soon as possible as we cannot take your pooch to school if someone in the household has been or is starting to feel sick.


Stay safe everyone and be sure to wash your hands. 


Best regards,
Vickie and Mark Wilson & The Dogs Galore Team

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